The incident happened on Saturday at Asaka Street, Ebute Meta, Lagos State. There had been a disagreement between Udeme Inim and his wife, which had led to him assaulting her. Christopher Bassey, the stepson, intervened, only
for Udeme to leave his wife and attack him by going for his right ear and bit it off. He was rushed to a hospital but his ear could not be saved.
Chris said, “On that day, he was fighting with my mum and at a point he began to destroy some of our property. It was too much for me to bear. So I tried to stop him and that was when he attacked me and bit off my ear.”
Udeme was later arraigned before a Magistrate’s Court and granted bail in the sum of N20k…..
oh God an granted bail with the sum of N20k oh my goodness an now the young boy is now ninja one ear.
ReplyDeletethe man is evil an must be dealt with.
this demon step father has given this boy everlasting mark chai dia ris God ooo.
ReplyDeleteghen ghen two fanta no opener.
ReplyDeletehahaha@clarion you are funny.but the man is dangeruos.