Tuesday, May 12, 2015


 Read Horrific Accounts Of Boko Haram Victims Rescued From Sambisa
Rachael Habila was kidnapped from Buni Yadi, Yobe State and taken into captivity by the insurgents the day the Government College there was attacked leading to the killing of over 50 students.
Rachael said she did not know she will survive in the camp because of her religious background as a Christian. “When I joined them in the camp, about five or six of us that were of the Christian faith were gathered in one place and directed that we should either embrace Islam or be killed”, the 40-year-old school teacher said.
“We had no option than to embrace Islam and there and then we were provided with Hijab and an Islamic teacher was attached to us. The basic teaching of Islam and how to perform the five daily prayers was our major pre-occupation”.
“Along the line, two of our mates were no longer seen and we continued to puzzle among ourselves that what happened to them will surely happen  to us. But, thank God, we are alive in the IDPs camp today to tell our experience”.
She added that while converting non-Muslims, one of the leaders of the sect whose responsibility it was to do that will only tell you that your name has been changed with the pronouncement of the Muslim name for you and those around him will chorus ‘ ALLAHUAKBAR’, meaning God is great.
Racheal confessed that victims were not  arbitrarily tortured, except if one violated one rule or the other. “But if an  offense to them, which you might not know, is committed, the punishment, which involves flogging, among others, is normally severe and painstaking and, at times, it involves slaughtering of the people depending on the magnitude of the offense to them”, she stated. 
Curled from vanguard.

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