Sunday, July 19, 2015


Goodmorning guys, so I was minding my business this morning on IG when I stumbled on a post from Instagram celebrity Hushpuppi.
He is known for his affluent life style (according to his pictures). He flaunts it all without leaving anything behind, wows his followers with his new wears nearly everyday.
He seems to have discovered that people are gossiping about him and took to IG to make known his awareness. The story here is 2 in1, sometime back Hushpuppi had this Instagram feud with another IG celeb Mr Ye aka 87n17, it was a bloody feud of who is richer than who, I never believed they could get over that at all because am shocked to see Mr Ye's comment on Hushpuppi's post today. When did they reconcile, lol. View Mr Ye and Hushpuppi's photo after the cut...
Mr Ye on the left and Hushpuppi on the right, the shoes are for none other than Hushpuppi though! Below is Hushpuppi's post and 87n17's comment...

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