Sunday, March 13, 2016


 The president of AGN, ex beauty queen and actress Ibinabo is on the hot seat and needs the support and prayer of evreyone. Some years back she was involved in a car accident which led to the death of someone, she herself was not left unhurt. The case was previously settled and she was fined 100,000naira, but some people feel she got away which murder, the case has been re opened and she has been charged with reckless driving and being drunk. Here is what her mum had to say...

Personally when i heard about her ordeal the first thing that came to my mind was that those this have anything to do with the issues and mini war that took place before she became the AGN prsident, because i remember when she was contesting and another well known actress was also contesting, the opponent always made sure she made reference to the car accident case, that a convict cannot be the president and all, i feel that even made the case come to light, that is the first time i heard about it, and i feel people like her opponent would want to make sure the case is furthered.
In a recent post that i shared pictures of Ibinabo and said she was drunk, she personally wanted me to correct the fact that she doesnt drink and now i know why. My opinion guys.
Pray for this hard working mother of 5. God will lead you and your family through this trying times.

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