Thursday, April 16, 2015

Father plans to sell his kidney to fund life-saving treatment for his 3 obese children!


Yogita, 5, Anisha, 3, and Harsh, 18 months, are among the world’s heaviest young children. Weighing 34kg, 48kg and 15kg respectively. The food they eat in a week is enough to feed 2 families in a month. Yogita and Anisha daily 
diet routine: 6am: bananas, 1litre of milk, 6 wheat chapatis, a bowl of vegetable broth. 10am: 5 wheat chapatis, a bowl of yoghurt, a bowl of vegetable broth. 12.30pm: Millet chapatti – made of 1.5kg millet flour, 2 bananas, a bowl of vegetables, 4 packets of crisps.
3pm: Millet breads, Rice – 1.5kg with vegetables. 5pm: 1 litre cold drink (Coca Cola or Pepsi), 6 packets of crisps, 5 packs of biscuits, 5 bananas. 8pm: wheat chapatis, 1 litre of milk, Buttermilk (1.5 litres), 2 big bowls of vegetables. And their extreme hunger means their mother spends most of her day making their meals. Their hunger never stops. They demand food all the time and cry and scream if they’re not fed. When Yogita was born she was extremely weak and weighed just 1.5kg. They’re worried for her health. So they fed her a lot to build her strength but by her first birthday she had bloated to 12kg.
They cannot walk; or do anything on their own. All they do all day is eat and play and giggle with each other. Local doctors believe they are suffering from Prader-Willi syndrome, but do not know how to treat it. It causes various symptoms including constant hunger, reduced muscle tone, restricted growth and learning difficulties. Now their father, Rameshbhai Nandwana, 34, of Gurjarat, India, is planning to sell his kidney to earn the money needed to see top specialists. Since he earns only N10k per month.

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