Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Plastic Surgery gone wrong!

So I was just surfing the net and found this picture of a guy that is such a huge fan of Kim Kardashian that he did plastic surgery to look like her. Please note that he spent thousands of dollars to get this look. View after the cut...

LMAO!sips tea.


  1. Gosh this world has already gone and gone gaga,i cant be surprise that kim dont even know him the other day a fellow just wake up and and hit the surgical room and get his own just to look like michael jackson.

  2. Ahahahahahhah! Not Only Kim kardeshian, Na deshiakar mik, he resemble, stupid man!

  3. oh my gosh his mouth need to be plasticize too is some thing else

  4. What makes that person to convert him to exactly look like Kim? People these days do not care what their life would be after the bad facial surgery. Now he might have thing that why did he do it, just ruined his life and become hateful to the society. Some people are so stupid to disguise their face while there are thousand of people who just want their face to be repair to go back to normal. Anyway still doesn't look like Kim instead sketch picture.
